A fantastic year for the club was celebrated at our well-attended AGM and Awards Night at The Bell Hotel Winslow on 3rd October.
The full AGM reports are available via our website. Key points were:
The club has grown to 105 members in 2019 and is now one of the strongest clubs in Area 7. Our teams have done very well in area qualifiers and at the BRC national championships. The strong team spirit is the envy of other clubs and our members are increasingly helping out at our events, making it a truly friendly and supportive club.
New committee members: Rowan Indge, Poppy Read, Philippa Mitchell, Lizzie Dodd, Emelya King and Lauren Fox have recently joined the committee.
After many years service to the club, Lynn Morgan has stepped down as chairman. The club thanked her for her hard work.
Sarah Godfrey was elected as the new chair. Lauren Fox is the secretary and Mandy Hewett continues as treasurer. Lauren Hewett, who has helped at almost all our competitions, also remains on the committee.
Other committee members stepping down are: Jane Emery, Gill Benwell and Marianne Rabanal, who were thanked for their contributions
The club gave out a large number of old and new awards this year.
Summer Dressage League (Caerphilly Boy Trophy replaced with new Silver Cup
Wendy McKay
Tracey Toombs
= Rebecca Pratt/Sharon Firmin
= Liz Julier/ Anna Rose
= Sandra Calvert/ Pippa Rickard
Helen Willis

Rider Participation League (Rococo Trophy)
Marianne Rabanal
Jane Emery
= Kate Bouchier/ Liz Julier
= Rebecca Pratt/ Tracey Toombs
Danielle Rutter
= Kirsty Barr/ Lauren Hewett
Team Participation League (Bijou Trophy)

Kate Bouchier
Helen Nicholls
Tina Kavanagh
Poppy Read
Katy Briggs
Imogen Bradbury
Volunteer League (Perpetual Shield)

Mary Cloake
Liz Julier
Kate Bouchier
Sarah Richards
= Tina Kavanagh/ Nikki Morgan/ Jo Rimell/ Susan Willis/ Tracey Toombs/ Beth Davidson
= Stasia Parker/ Nikki O' Neil/ Sandra Calvert/ Vince Julier

Most Improved Combination (Alan Taylor Perpetual Shield)
Mandy Hewett

Outstanding Achievement (Perpetual Shield)
Imogen Bradbury
Best Newcomer ((Perpetual Shield) Sponsored by Trophy Too

Sarah Kennedy

Best Junior (Perpetual Silver Cup)
Imogen Bradbury

Best Non-Competitive Partnership (Perpetual Silver Salver)
Jessica Robb

Chairman's Award (Perpetual Silver Cup)
Sarah Godfrey

Member's Award (Perpetual Silver Salver)
Tracey Toombs

Retraining Of Racehorses Riding Club Challenge
Tracey Toombs
Lauren Hewett
Team members were given their rosettes from Festival of The Horse and the club gave special club hoodies to everyone who had qualified for the National Championships this year.
We also had a raffle with a selection of wonderful prizes, for which we would like to thank all the companies who donated and Philippa Mitchell for her excellent work in obtaining them.